Signs of Healthy Skin For Dogs

Signs of Healthy Skin For Dogs

Healthy skin is smooth and flexible , ranging from pale to pink to brown or black . Spotted skin is normal in dogs with spotted or solid-color coats . NO SCABS, SCALES, GROWTHS, OR AREAS OF REDNESS SHOULD BE VISIBLE . Dogs have seasonal shedding cycles, which occasionally change . A healthy coat , however, is glossy and pliable , with out dandruff, excessive oiliness, or areas of baldness.

PLEASE check to see that your companion does not have fleas, ticks, lice , or other external parasites by running your hand against the grain of the coat … some pest are stationary , while others , like fleas , may scurry away as soon as they are exposed . Signs of fleas include itching and the presence of small black and white specks on the skin, which are flea dirt or feces . It’s a good idea to check the skin of longhaired dogs in several places . Also … It’s good idea to have your companion on a preventative year round to prevent fleas , ticks and lice .

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